The Family Resource Center
of Oswego County
Call: 315-343-4866
Text: 315-216-5200
Volunteer Opportunities
Peer Counselor
Men & Women Needed
A trained volunteer that works directly with clients. All curriculum is provided, you just need to have the heart to help our clients become great parents as we point them to Jesus!
This can be done in conjunction with other areas (admin, boutique, etc.) or as a stand-alone position.
Boutique Volunteer
Help manage donations of clothing, blankets, diapers, formula and more.
Can be done in conjunction with Administrative, Child Care, or Peer Counseling work - or as a stand-alone position.
Community Advocate
Bring our marketing materials to community agencies, doctor's offices, schools, restaurant's, bars and more!
We also need people with great connections in the community to help us find businesses and organizations that offer grants or that may provide underwriting, or even donations for raffle baskets. Â
Fundraising and Grant Writer
Work with our Executive Director to get more dollars for the FRC without going after state or federal dollars!Â
or call 315-343-4866 x100
Administrative Volunteer